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More about a main character in 'Hunter's Chase'

One of the main characters of my new novel 'Hunter's Chase is Detective Constable Tim Myerscough. The book will be published by Crooked Cat Books on 02.02.2018. In the meantime, let me tell you a bit about Tim.

Like me, Tim is a cat lover. I have owned and bred cats all my life, but I have never owned a pedigree cat. My cats have always been 'history of cat in one volume'.

Tim, however, has a beautiful Burmese pedigree cat named Lucy. Burmese cats have short, silky and shiny coat that can be dark brown, champagne, platinum, blue or creamy brown in colour: Lucy is a blue Burmese.

As is usual for her breed, Lucy is portrayed as friendly and curious. She is also is highly intelligent and seeks out human companionship. This reflects Tim's character well too. Lucy adores Tim and when he is sitting down, she wants to be on his lap or right next to him, waiting expectantly to be petted. She gets huffy if Tim ignores her and, when she is sleeping, she is happiest curled up on his bed beside him.

Val Penny

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