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Becoming Queen Bathsheba by Amanda Bedzrah

I am pleased to take part in the blog tour for Becoming Queen Bathsheba, a novel by Amanda Bedzrah. You can follow the tour run by Reading Between the Lines Book Tours. Today, Amanda has kindly supplied an extract from the first chapter of her book to set the scene for us. Thanks go to Amanda and to Reading Between the Lines Book Tours for inviting me to take part in this tour.

The Excerpt

It did not matter that he could swing the sword with ease and precision; it mattered more who it was pointed at, and it took him many years to establish the trust required to be accepted into the army of God, Yahweh as I fondly call Him.

I loved the way he loved his job. The pride in his face when he told me stories about the battles he fought, the places he visited, and the victories they enjoyed was always the high‐ light of his return. I enjoyed every minute of it hanging on his every word. These stories, good or bad, all fascinated me.

My grandfather Ahithopel, who I called Saba, was one of the King’s chief advisors; my father, Eliam, was also one of the Thirty. So, I grew up hearing war stories and tales from lands far away. My mother, unlike me, did not like the war stories. I was different to most women all of whom detested the sight of blood or description of battle. I loved to hear every minute detail and Uriah spared nothing. He told stories in such a way that I felt I was riding a horse on the battle ground, in the middle of a war ghting for my life, hearing the clashing of swords and the cries of battle, the iron smell of spilled blood lling my nostrils. Fear clutched at my chest almost stopping my heart beating.

These stories were not always of victory. As with every nation there were instances of defeat, which meant periods of mourning followed. Those stories were the hardest to tell but still he told them, sometimes after he washed the taste of battle from his mouth with wine, through drunken tears. In those moments, I held him close and gave myself to him for comfort, the pleasure we shared as man and wife, a balm to his wounded soul. It was in those nights that I realised that even men of war, despite all the courage, valour, and strength they possessed, were weak in the bosom of a woman.

There were also times of mending wounds. I remember so well the rst time Uriah came back wounded from battle. Oh, how I cried for days. A sword had sliced through his chest, barely missing his heart. It took many herbs, many physicians, and many months to heal. At various points I was fearful he would not heal and that he would leave to be with Yahweh.

The Author

Amanda is a wife and a mother to three beautiful children. She is an author, a prayer minister, an inspirational speaker, a restoration catalyst, and a mentor. Amanda is passionate about seeing people restored and living a full life beyond salvation.

She is a passionate Bible teacher who uses practical examples to teach godly principles. She is a Law Graduate (2:1 LLB Hons) from the University of Wolverhampton, a Prince 2 Practitioner, and she is certified in Business Analysis Practice.

Amanda is also the founder and CEO of Empower a Woman (, a UK-based non-profit organisation that is set up to meet the needs of vulnerable women.

Today she is in a much happier place. She is restored, healed, and delivered and is driven by her own personal mission statement for change:

Just because I can’t do everything

Doesn’t mean I won’t do anything

Even if I can only do something

I REFUSE to do nothing

The Blurb

She is taken against her will by the most powerful man in Israel. A month later, she discovers she carries the evidence of their dreadful encounter. With her husband at war, this pregnancy could mean her death. When the king finds out that she is with child, he immediately summons her husband home from war, a cunning plan in mind.

Will the kings plan work?

Will her life be spared?

Will there be any consequences for the injustice?

Will love grow in the middle of pain and give birth to second chances?

This novel is a fictional retelling of one of the greatest Bible stories of all time. This is a story of injustice, betrayal, deception, heartbreak, forgiveness, love, redemption and second chances.

It reminds us that there are consequences for our choices, and we serve a God of justice. He can use the tragedies in our lives and turn them into purpose.

No pain is ever wasted with God.

The Links

Instagram - Amanda_Bedzrah

Facebook - Amanda Bedzrah

Twitter - @Gigidoll2020


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