Setting in the DI Hunter Wilson Crime Thrillers
The main setting for the DI Hunter Wilson Crime Thrillers is Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. It is so important that it is almost...
Setting in the DI Hunter Wilson Crime Thrillers
Hunter's Christmas
Hunter and the Christmas Stories
Hunter's Christmas
Hunter's Christmas
Hunter's Christmas and Other Stories
FAQs About Hunter's Secret
Hunter's Secret - An Extract
Let me Introduce DI Hunter Wilson from Hunter's Secret
Extract from Hunter's Blood
Edinburgh as the Setting in the DI Hunter Wilson Crime Thrillers
The First Cut
An Extract from Hunter's Force
Edinburgh: The Setting for Hunter's Chase by Val Penny
A 5* Review of Hunter's Chase by Kirsty Whitlock
Writing Hunter's Rules
Hunter's Rules
The First Cut - A Jane Renwick Thriller
The Edinburgh Crime Mysteries set in Edinburgh, Scotland