I am delighted that the fine author and poet, Patricia M. Osborne has made time in her busy schedule to chat with me today. Patricia, like me, is an active member of the Swanwick Writers' Summer School and it is there we first met.

Please tell my readers a little about yourself?
I was born in Liverpool, spent some special childhood years in Bolton, but now live in West Sussex with my family. I am a novelist, short story writer and poet. Apart from writing, I love to attempt other creative things such as drawing & painting, photography and playing my piano. I love to spend time at my local lake gaining inspiration to paint pictures with words.
What inspired you to become an author?
I have always loved writing, in particular, poetry, but becoming an author happened purely by chance. I was studying for a BA in Humanities with Music at the Open University. At the time there were insufficient music modules to complete the degree so I opted to do the creative writing modules, thinking they would be a doddle. How wrong I was. It was from that time, I started taking my writing more seriously.

What is the best thing about being an author?
Being able to transport myself to wherever and whenever I want to be. To become anyone or anything. It’s a wonderful escape. I love the research aspect too. It’s amazing how much you can learn.
What is your writing routine like?
I use mornings for marketing and working on other writers’ work. Late afternoon and evenings are my writing time but unfortunately, household chores etc have to be slotted in too.
How much time do you spend on research?
It varies and depends what I’m writing about. I don’t think I can put a time on it as I research for as long as necessary and more often than not the research is ongoing. If I know my subject then it takes less time than something new. For instance, I’ve already spent numerous hours wading through books for my work in progress novel - a late Victorian/early Edwardian story.
How much of the book is planned out before you start writing it?
I plan the beginning, middle and end and then fill in as I go but everything is subject to change. Including the beginning.

What do you think is most important when writing a book? Characters, plot, setting, etc I think all of these are important but particularly plot as you need to keep your reader engaged to keep them turning the page but you also need interesting characters.
What is your latest book about? The Granville Legacy – Book 3 in trilogy
After giving up George as a child, Grace battles to win his love back and earn the right to once again become his mam. It makes use of two narrators and is told in the point of view of Grace Gilmore and her grown-up son George.
Opening in December 1980 and assuming his title as Lord Granville is no easy task for coal miner’s son, George Gilmore.
The reader journeys through the 80s in this final instalment of House of Grace unravelling heartbreak, family conflict, romance, fashion and much more.
What inspired it?
The story began with House of Grace, Book 1 in the trilogy, where inspiration was derived from George Orwell’s Road to Wigan Pier. Television dramas Mr Selfridge and House of Eliott played their part too.

Any new books or plans for the future?
I am working on a new novel titled ‘The Oath’ which steps back to 1895. The protagonist, a young French woman, is celebrating her seventeenth birthday when her father announces she is to travel to England and marry an English baronet in order to fulfil a one-hundred-year oath. Not exactly the birthday gift the young mademoiselle was expecting.
What genres do you read most often?
Historical fiction is my main genre, in particular family sagas but I also like futuristic and fantasy. As well as novels, I read a lot of poetry.

Is there anything else you would like my readers to know? I have a co-authored poetry pamphlet with Maureen Cullen titled ‘Sherry & Sparkly’ which will be released October 2021 by The Hedgehog Poetry Press. Proceeds from signed copies bought from my website will go to Cancer Research.

The Author
Patricia M Osborne is married with grown-up children and grandchildren. In 2019 she graduated with an MA in Creative Writing (University of Brighton).
Patricia is a published novelist, poet and short fiction writer. She has been published in various literary magazines and anthologies. Her poetry pamphlets are published by The Hedgehog Poetry Press.
She has a successful blog at Whitewingsbooks.com featuring other writers. When Patricia isn’t working on her own writing, she enjoys sharing her knowledge, acting as a mentor to fellow writers.

The Links
Poetry Pamphlets available via my website
Signed copies of trilogy available via website (UK delivery only)
A super interview, Patricia. I love reading about the work patterns of authors. Thanks for sharing with us. And thank you Val. Another fascinating interview. xx
Thank you, Val, for inviting me over. I've had a great time.