It is not often that an international bestselling author is willing to take time out and chat with me. So I am particularly delighted to welcome thriller writer Jo Fenton to the blog to discuss books, stories and all things writing. Thank you for your time today, Jo.
What inspired you to write Fabergé ?
My most recent book, Fabergé, was inspired by a cruise to Scandinavia and Russia. During the cruise, we attended a talk on Fabergé eggs, and learned that there were a few missing ones. I did some research and discovered that one of them, the Necessaire, may be in a vault in a bank in Preston! It was a small step to imagine what would happen if there was a bank robbery… and of course, Becky and her friends would have to investigate.
Who is your favourite character in Fabergé and why?
The book is told from the perspective of the 3 private detectives, alternating between Becky, Joanna and Will, and I love them all. During the course of the book though, I grew really attached to Will. He’s coping with seeing his young daughter and ex-wife in the house of a new man, Peter, whom Will instinctively distrusts, and not just through jealousy. When Peter appears to be involved in a number of unsavoury acts, including child abduction and probably the theft of the egg from the bank, Will has to work out how best to protect his family. Meanwhile, he has growing feelings for Becky’s eldest daughter, a feisty university student.

Do you have another story planned or in progress? When can we expect to see that?
The final book in the Becky White series (book 4) is in progress at the moment, and is expected to be available in, hopefully, the first half of 2025. After that, I have a historical crime series simmering in the little grey cells…
What do you like to do when you’re not planning or writing your next book?
I work full-time as a Clinical Research Manager and I do actually love my job, as I get to spend a lot of time talking to people and listening to what they have to say. When not working or writing, I like to read, hike or run (very slowly – although the lack of speed is not through choice!)
Do you write in other genres?
I do plan to delve into historical novels and have always thought about writing either romance or fantasy, but when I sit down to write, it always veers towards to crime! Not quite sure what that says about me!!!
What do you like most about being an author?
That moment when I’m writing a scene and something unexpected happens. It’s always great when the writing takes over, and I get totally immersed in the situation, but there’s a bit of magic when the characters do something unplanned.
What advice do you have for other writers?
Learn the craft. Join a writing group where you can learn to give and get constructive feedback. Write when you can, but don’t feel bad if you can’t write every day. Most writers have to fit writing around busy lives, and sometimes things get in the way. That’s okay. Don’t feel bad about it but try to get into a good rhythm for writing regularly again as soon as you can. I personally use a tracker to document expected and actual wordcounts, so I can see where I’m up to, how much I’m doing, and how long it will take me to complete the book. I often deviate from it, and have to delete a few weeks’ worth of dates, but it always calls me back and makes me accountable.
If your book were to be made into a movie, who would you like to play the main character?
I’m rubbish with actors’ names and faces, and could probably only name half a dozen actors in total, but I have a vision of Becky as about 5’5’’, medium brown, shoulder length, frizzy hair, and a bit of middle-aged spread from too many pizzas and chocolate biscuits. Very happy to accept recommendations for casting!

The Blurb
Heist. Abduction. Blackmail.
Manchester detective Becky White and her friends at the White Knight Detective Agency take on a case involving the theft of a multi-million-pound Fabergé egg.
Events quickly escalate, and they find themselves dealing with unscrupulous villains who will stop at nothing – not even at kidnapping or murder – to achieve their goals.
Can Becky solve the mystery before her hidden enemies catch up with her?

The Author
Jo Fenton grew up in Hertfordshire, UK. She devoured books from an early age, particularly enjoying adventure books, school stories and fantasy. She wanted to be a scientist from aged six after being given a wonderful book titled “Science Can Be Fun”. At eleven, she discovered Agatha Christie and Georgette Heyer, and now has an eclectic and much loved book collection cluttering her home office.
Jo combines an exciting career in Clinical Research with an equally exciting but very different career as a writer of psychological thrillers.
When not working, she runs (very slowly), and chats to lots of people. She lives in Manchester with her husband, two sons, a Corgi and a tankful of tropical fish. She is an active and enthusiastic member of two writing groups and a reading group.