I was honoured to be approached by the poet to review her new collection of poetry. I had not read anything by Olusola Sophia Anayanwu previously, so I was most interested to have a chance to do so.

The Blurb
These poems show the unique relationship between God and us His children. Some of the poems also praise and bless the works of the Creator’s hands on Earth.
The poems tell us that God is our Papa and we should draw close to Him and feel free with Him.
The Review
From the very first poem, God is in Love with Me, the poetry made my heart sing and truly enriched my day. Each poem emphasises the love of God and the strenght of faith of the poet. Each work was a joy for me to read.
Amongst my particular favourites was Youth which begins with the inciteful words:
"Youth like quicksand
Is so elusive
Ever slipping from our grasp
We remember our youth
When we see what is stolen, See what is faded
See what is unattainable to grasp..."
Another poem that spoke clearly to me was Light which ends with the words:
"Light is of God
The light of the world
Searches the heart of man
The light in man
Blesses man"
This is an original collection of uplifting poetry with a Christian message. I thoroughly enjoyed and look forward to reading over and over again.

The Author
The author says of herself: Olusola Sophia Anayanwu is my name. I am an author who enjoys playing board games, admiring the beauty of nature, writing stories and poetry from time to time.
When I am not baby - sitting my grandchildren, I take the opportunity to write Christian, Biblical, Romantic or Contemporary fiction. I have self published six books with Author House and currently rounding up two series of Biblical fiction I plan to traditionally publish or self publish with Amazon KDP. I also have a collection of over a 100 poems on my website. I recently published 'STORIES FROM THE HEART' with Austin Macauley publishers, UK.
As you know, writing is an art that demands patience, practice, prayers and perfection. It is great for the mind. That ability to be able to create words that come into life in various forms. Or getting into the shoes, hearts, minds, bodies and souls of different characters. I think it is amazing. It is like playing God in your own world. I think this is one of the greatest things about being a writer to become like God by creating my own world, the people and determining their fates. It is great fun but very hard work!
Having done all my schooling in Nigeria, my coming over to the UK as a mature adult has equipped me to see life from different perspectives and experiences which all lend to my writing. You will notice from my books that I am the kind of author who believes in writing about every aspect of life, including sex -which is a part of life! More about me and my writing can be found on https://www.olusolasophiaanyanwuauthor.com
I have been blessed with a great and wonderful family and live in South East London.
Val Penny
Wow!! Penny, I have enjoyed being a guest, a tourist and an adventurer on your website today! How exciting and amazing to read your comments of my work and that of some of our ACW members here! I am indeed delighted. May God continue to bless the works of your hands. It has been an amazing, exciting and educative adventure touring your website. There is so so much to see and I will have to continue some other day. Beautiful indeed!
Sophia xxx